Monday, September 24, 2012


1. What is a daguerrotype? What did the surface of a daguerrotype resemble? When were they prominent? What photographic process did the daguerrotype replace?

It was a photo taken in earlier times which is a positive made on the surface of silvered copper plat. The surface of a daguerreotype is like a mirror. It was prominent in 1841. Replaced the camera obscura. 

First photo of solar eclipse using daguerrotype.

2. What is an "albumen" print? What was the main "ingredient" of the albumen process? When did the albumen process die out?
It was the first commercially exploitable method of producing a photograph on print paper. The main ingredient for albumen is albumin. It died out in the late 1850's.

Albumen printed by George Barnard.

3. What is a "stereograph?" When were they popular?
A stereograph is a 3-D image. They were popular in the early 1900's.

4. What is a "carte de visite?" What were they used for?
It is a small photographic portrait of someone. They are used for postcards. 

5. Who were Matthew Brady and Alexander Gardner? They both are notable for what type of photography? When were they active? Post two noteworthy photographs for each photographer.
They were photographers during the civil war. They are famous for their Civil War photos. Matthew Brady was active in 1844. Alexander Gardner was active in 1856.  

Matthew Brady

Alexander Gardner

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Nicéphore Niépce

Nicéphore Niépce is famous for the photo called View from the Window at Le Gras. This was the first photo that was successful and permanent. This photo was made in 1826.